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 setpalette()            Change a Palette Color

 #include   <graphics.h>

 void far   setpalette(index,color);
 int        index;
 int        color;

    setpalette() changes the palette color 'index' to the color specified
    by 'color'. 'index' can range from 0 to the size of the palette minus
    one (size - 1). (The size of the palette can be obtained using
    getpalette()). 'color' can be one of the values or symbolic constants
    defined in <graphics.h>:

                              COLOR TABLE

               CGA                                EGA/VGA
    Name                 Value          Name                Value

    BLACK                  0            EGA_BLACK             0
    BLUE                   1            EGA_BLUE              1
    GREEN                  2            EGA_GREEN             2
    CYAN                   3            EGA_CYAN              3
    RED                    4            EGA_RED               4
    MAGENTA                5            EGA_MAGENTA           5
    BROWN                  6            EGA_BROWN            20
    LIGHTGRAY              7            EGA_LIGHTGRAY         7
    DARKGRAY               8            EGA_DARKGRAY         56
    LIGHTBLUE              9            EGA_LIGHTBLUE        57
    LIGHTGREEN            10            EGA_LIGHTGREEN       58
    LIGHTCYAN             11            EGA_LIGHTCYAN        59
    LIGHTRED              12            EGA_LIGHTRED         60
    LIGHTMAGENTA          13            EGA_LIGHTMAGENTA     61
    YELLOW                14            EGA_YELLOW           62
    WHITE                 15            EGA_WHITE            63

    The values and symbolic constants used depend on the specific
    graphics driver and graphics mode.

    Returns:    Nothing.  If coded, graphresult() will return a -11
                (graphics error) if the parameters passed to setpalette()
                are invalid.

      Notes:    On a CGA, setpalette(index,color) should only be used if
                'index' = 0. This is a way to set the background color to

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements change the color the string is printed in
    from white to yellow.

           #include <graphics.h>

           int gdriver = DETECT;
           int gmode;

               int whcolor;
               struct palettetype palette;

               printf("Changes made to the palette are immediately seen.\n");

See Also: getbkcolor() getcolor() getpalette()
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